ISEC7 Digital Workplace Blog

Top 10 Types of Cybersecurity Attacks and How to Mitigate Them, Part 4

Written by Remi Keusseyan | Aug 21, 2024 11:38:21 AM

Part 1 of this blog series introduced the first three types of cybersecurity attacks – phishing, ransomware, and insider threats – that could be mitigated through training. In Part 2, we delved into Denial-of-Service (DOS), spoofing, and Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) cyberattacks, which call for adopting various solutions and products to enhance your network architecture. Part 3 covered code injection and supply chain attacks, which must be addressed through more involved processes like secure coding, regular security audits, and adapting privileged accounts, among others. Now we’ve finally reached the conclusion of our blog series, where we will discuss the last two types of cybersecurity attacks, which are difficult to detect and multifaceted, and therefore require multi-layered defense strategies.  

9. DNS Tunneling

DNS tunneling is a sophisticated, difficult-to-detect cybersecurity attack where attackers exploit the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol to establish Command and Control (C2) channels and exfiltrate data from compromised computers and networks, by encoding data into DNS queries and responses, leveraging the inherent trust and ubiquity of DNS traffic to evade traditional security measures. 


Attackers first infects a computer, located internally so behind the firewall, with a malware, specially designed to send DNS queries to a specific, compromised DNS resolver on the Internet, effectively bypassing firewalls and other network defenses that often do not inspect DNS traffic thoroughly, especially the ones coming from the internal network which are usually always allowed. 


The DNS resolver will in return route the queries to the attacker’s Command and Control (C2) server, establishing a communication channel that will be used to remotely control compromised devices, exfiltrate sensitive data, or download additional malware payloads, posing significant risks to the security and integrity of the targeted network. Since there are no direct connections between the attacker and the compromised computers, and DNS is not aimed to be used for data exfiltration, most organizations usually don’t monitor DNS traffic as they don’t suspect of any malicious activity, reason why DNS-based attacks like DNS tunneling, although complex to achieve, are very effective when successful, and very difficult to detect, remaining potentially undetected for a long time. 

DNS Tunneling Vs. DNS Spoofing

DNS tunneling establishes covert communication channels by encoding data within DNS queries and responses to bypass security measures for data exfiltration or command and control, while DNS spoofing manipulates DNS resolution to redirect users to malicious, attacker-controlled sites by providing false DNS information. 

Illustration of a DNS tunneling attack


What to do?

To mitigate the threat of DNS tunneling attacks, organizations should implement a multi-layered defense strategy combining monitoring, detection, and mitigation. 

DNS Monitoring

Deploying DNS traffic monitoring solutions to detect abnormal patterns or volumes of DNS requests that may indicate suspicious activities. Implementing DNS traffic monitoring solutions is crucial in identifying potential DNS tunneling attacks. These solutions analyze DNS request patterns and volumes to detect anomalies that deviate from normal behavior, such as an unusual increase in DNS queries or requests to unfamiliar domains. By monitoring and analyzing these patterns in real-time, security teams can swiftly identify and respond to suspicious activities that may indicate the presence of DNS tunneling, thereby preventing data breaches and other malicious actions. 

DNS Traffic Inspection

Configuring DNS firewalls with policies to inspect and block DNS traffic associated with known malicious domains or patterns consistent with DNS tunneling. DNS firewalls can be configured with specific policies to inspect DNS queries and block traffic associated with known malicious domains or behaviors indicative of DNS tunneling. These policies can include blacklisting domains, implementing threat intelligence feeds, and employing heuristic analysis to identify suspicious patterns. By filtering and blocking harmful DNS traffic, DNS firewalls help mitigate the risk of data exfiltration and other malicious activities that exploit DNS tunneling techniques. 

Patch and Update

Ensuring timely patching and updating of DNS servers and network infrastructure components helps mitigate vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers to facilitate DNS tunneling attacks. Keeping DNS servers and network infrastructure components up to date with the latest security patches and updates is vital in mitigating vulnerabilities that could be exploited for DNS tunneling attacks. Regular patching addresses security flaws and enhances the resilience of DNS infrastructure against exploitation. Additionally, implementing a robust patch management process ensures that all components are consistently monitored and updated, reducing the attack surface and preventing attackers from leveraging known vulnerabilities to carry out DNS tunneling activities. 

10. Zero-Day Exploits

Zero-day exploits refer to vulnerabilities in software or hardware that are unknown to the vendor or developers and have not yet been patched or mitigated and are exploited by attackers to launch cyberattacks before the vendor becomes aware of them or has had the opportunity to release patches or updates, hence the term "zero-day," indicating that there are zero days of protection against the exploit. These are particularly dangerous because they leave organizations vulnerable to attacks with no warning or defense measures in place, making them difficult to detect and defend against. 

Attackers typically use zero-day exploits to gain unauthorized access to systems, steal sensitive data, or disrupt operations, posing significant risks to cybersecurity. 

What to do?

To mitigate the threat of Zero-Day exploits, organizations should implement a multifaceted defense strategy combining monitoring, detection and control over the different applications that potentially run within their environment. 

Regularly Update and Patch Software

One of the most effective ways to prevent zero-day exploits is to ensure that all software and systems are regularly updated and patched. While zero-day vulnerabilities are unknown at the time of exploitation, software developers frequently release updates that address newly discovered security flaws. By keeping operating systems, applications, and firmware up to date, organizations can minimize the window of opportunity for attackers. Implementing an automated patch management system can streamline this process, ensuring that updates are applied promptly and consistently across all devices. 

Implement Advanced Threat Detection Systems

Advanced threat detection systems, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), can help identify and block suspicious activities that may indicate a zero-day exploit. These systems analyze network traffic and system behavior for signs of anomalies or patterns associated with known attack vectors. Additionally, employing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions can provide real-time monitoring and analysis of security events, enabling quicker identification and response to potential threats. Leveraging machine learning and behavioral analytics further enhances the ability to detect zero-day exploits by recognizing deviations from normal activity. 

Use Application Whitelisting and Sandboxing

Application whitelisting and sandboxing are proactive measures that can mitigate the risk of zero-day exploits. Application whitelisting allows only approved and verified applications to run on a system, reducing the likelihood of malicious software execution. By maintaining a list of trusted applications, organizations can prevent unauthorized programs from being installed or executed. Sandboxing, on the other hand, involves running applications in isolated environments where their behavior can be monitored and analyzed without affecting the underlying system. If an application exhibits malicious activity, it can be contained and neutralized within the sandbox, preventing broader system compromise. 

Implement Endpoint Security

Strong endpoint security is essential in defending against zero-day exploits. This includes deploying comprehensive antivirus and anti-malware solutions, which use heuristic and behavioral analysis to detect and block new threats. Additionally, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools provide continuous monitoring and analysis of endpoint activities, enabling rapid identification and containment of malicious actions. Ensuring endpoints are equipped with firewalls, encryption, and multi-factor authentication further strengthens their defense against zero-day attacks. Regular training and awareness programs for employees can also help prevent social engineering tactics that might be used to exploit zero-day vulnerabilities. 

Now you have a thorough rundown of the top 10 types of cybersecurity attacks and the best prevention and mitigation methods – from the most straightforward cyberattacks that can be avoided through training to the more complex cyberattacks that require a multifaceted approach to address these issues. Remember that an organization’s first line of defense is always its employees, and an organization is only as strong as its weakest link, which is why it’s so important to prioritize educating and training your employees. It is also crucial to have a cybersecurity strategy in place, whether that involves implementing continuous monitoring or multi-factor authentication, or something more involved like secure coding or encryption. Additionally, it is always good to have an incident response plan in place in the event of a cyberattack. The team at ISEC7 can assess your security posture and help you navigate the options available to you to strengthen your protect infrastructure, as well as help you leverage your existing solutions to their fullest capability.